germanetpy package


germanetpy.compoundInfo module

germanetpy.filterconfig module

germanetpy.frames module

class germanetpy.frames.Frames(frames2lexunits: dict)[source]

Bases: object

LOC = 'BL'
DIR = 'BD'
MAN = 'BM'
COM = 'BO'
reflexives = ['DR', 'AR']
extract_expletives() → set[source]

This method extracts all verbs that can take expletives as an argument. Example: “[Es] regnet.”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_accusative_complement() → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take an accusative complement. Example: “Sie sieht [ihn]”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_dative_complement() → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take an dative complement. Example: “Sie schenkt [ihm] einen Hund.”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_gentive_complement() → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take an genetive complement. Example: “Ihre Eltern berauben sie [ihrer Freiheit].”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_prepositional_complement() → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take an prepositional complement. Example: “Die Kugel klackte [an die Fensterscheibe].”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_reflexives() → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take an reflexive complement. Example: “Sie wird [sich] rächen.”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_adverbials() → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take an adverbial complement. Example: “Sie wohnt [in einem Haus].”

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that have the specified frame.
extract_transitives() → set[source]

This method returns all transitive verbs. A transitive verb is any verb that can have objects.

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all transitive verbs as Lexunits.
extract_intransitives() → set[source]

This method returns all intransitive verbs. An intransitive verb is any verb that does not have objects.

Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all intransitive verbs as Lexunits.
extract_specific_complements(complement: str) → set[source]

This method returns all verbs that can take a given complement. This is specified in the frames of a verb.

Param:complement : a syntactic complement (e.g NN for subject), the complements are specified as class variables of this class
Returns:A set of lexical units that stores all verbs as Lexunits that can take the specified complement.

germanetpy.germanet module

germanetpy.icbased_similarity module

germanetpy.iliLoader module

germanetpy.iliLoader.create_ili_record(attributes, synonyms) → germanetpy.iliRecord.IliRecord[source]

Creates the ili record given the XML attributes.

  • attributes (xml attributes) – The XML attributes that contain the required information about the ili record.
  • synonyms (list(String)) – A list of Strings, containing the synonyms of the ili record.

The ili record object

germanetpy.iliLoader.load_ili(germanet, tree)[source]

This method creates the ili record objects given a datafile and adds them to the GermaNet object and the corresponding lexical unit.

  • germanet (Germanet) – The GermaNet object
  • tree (Element Tree) – The XML tree containing the data about the ili records

germanetpy.iliRecord module

class germanetpy.iliRecord.IliRecord(lexunit_id: str, ewnRelation: str, pwnWord: str, pwn20Id: str, pwn30Id: str, source: str, pwn20synonyms: list, pwn20paraphrase: str = None)[source]

Bases: object


germanetpy.lexunit module

germanetpy.longest_shortest_path module

germanetpy.longest_shortest_path.get_overall_longest_shortest_distance(germanet, category) -> (<class 'dict'>, <class 'int'>)[source]

Iterate trough the synsets of a given wordcategory. For each synset, extract all possible hypernyms and compute the shortest possible distance to each hypernym. From these distances, also store the longest possible shortest distance.

  • germanet (Germanet) – the germanet graph
  • category (WordCategory) – the wordcategory

a dictionary with each synset and its longest shortest distance, the overall longest shortest distance

germanetpy.longest_shortest_path.get_greatest_depth(germanet, category) → int[source]

Iterate trough the synsets of a given word category. For each synset check the depth and return the greatest depth that has been seen.

  • germanet (Germanet) – the germanet graph
  • category (WordCategory) – the wordcategory

the greatest depth for a given word category. The depth of a synset is defined by the shortest path length between the synset and the root node

germanetpy.longest_shortest_path.get_longest_possible_shortest_distance(germanet, wordcategory)[source]

set a maxdistcounter = 0 for each synset: get the corresponding longest shortest distance. if this plus the overall longest shortest distance is smaller than maxdistance:

continue with the next synset
if it is larger:

go trough each synset and get the corresponding longest shortest distance. if this plus the longest shortest distance of the synset of interest is smaller than maxdistance:

compute the actual path distance and update the maxdistance if it is larger
Return type:

(int, int, tuple(Synset, Synset)

  • wordcategory (WordCategory) – the wordcategory for which this maxlen should be computed
  • germanet (Germanet) – the germanet graph

the longest possible shortest distance between two synsets of a specified wordcategory, the maximum depth

of any synset (lenght to the root) and a Tuple with two synsets that have the longest shortest distance

germanetpy.longest_shortest_path.print_longest_shortest_distances(germanet, word_category)[source]

Computes and prints the longest shortest distances for the given word category.

germanetpy.longest_shortest_path.print_maximum_depths(germanet, word_category)[source]

Computes and prints the maximum depth for the given word_category.

germanetpy.path_based_relatedness_measures module

germanetpy.relationLoader module

germanetpy.semrel_measures module

germanetpy.synset module

germanetpy.synsetLoader module

germanetpy.utils module

germanetpy.wictionaryLoader module

germanetpy.wictionaryparaphrase module

Module contents